

For more information about our services, dont hesitate on contacting us.

João Serpa Engenharia Civil Lda

Largo do Loreto, 3
9500-042 - Fajã de Baixo
+351 296 281 172
NIF 512 077 088


The data collected in this form will be used exclusively in the preparation of the subject. Accordingly, you will not receive any unsolicited communication that originates from any information you enter here.

Information to Consumidor

In case of consumption litigation, the consumer can use the following entity has a resolution alternative

CNIACC - Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo

Tel: 213847484


Web: Arbitragem de Consumo / Facebook

For more information, visit: Portal do Consumidor.

(article 18.º da Lei n.º 144/2015, de 8 de Setembro)


João Serpa - Engenharia Civil, Lda


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